While we and many others have had a tough few months with no rain and no grass, resulting in handfeeding of very expensive hay, the silver lining is the exceptional prices that cattle are fetching. Most breeders know that the increase in prices is long overdue, and it has certainly put a spring in the step of the cattle business, despite the poor season in large parts of the country. We are seeing a significant increase in buyer interest, as breeders look to invest in new genetics to maximise returns. This weekend we hosted buyers looking for (and buying!) bulls, cows and heifers to improve their breeding programs. Repeat bull buyers understand the additional value that hybrid vigour can add, especially with Salers crossed over British breed animals.

Buyers inspecting bulls for sale at Salco Partners property
Salers are reknown for their calving ease and maternal attributes. From our experience, this message has reached the market place, resulting in a strong demand for Salers heifers and cows. Over the past 5 years we have been able to sell every female Salers breeder that we were able to release, typically 30+ females a year. A live calf on the ground every year from each breeding female is the single most important factor in making a profit. Salers cows know how to make a profit!

A buyer inspecting a group of PTIC heifers at Salco Partners property

Buyer interest in 15 month old Salers heifers ready to join.
All we need now is a good autumn break!